Comments on: Memorial Day Weekend /2008/05/27/memorial-day-weekend/ Come watch the fun! Bring tools! We'll find a place for you to lend a hand. Sun, 24 Jun 2012 01:10:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dy /2008/05/27/memorial-day-weekend/#comment-209 Thu, 05 Jun 2008 13:19:53 +0000 You wrote this so well, I had flashbacks. 🙂 Don’t be hard on yourself when things take longer than you think they should – the learning curve is steep, sometimes. But in the end, the knowledge you will have accumulated is astounding! And, hey, YAY for you on thinking to double-check your crimps. Our Wonderful Neighbors in MD had to replace a huge portion of their ceiling in their living room b/c the contractors (licensed contractors!!) who built their townhouse weren’t so thorough in the upstairs bathroom. That wasn’t pretty!

