There isn’t really anything new to report, but I thought I would do a status update anyways. Our plans are still undergoing engineering review and should be done “soon”. Once they are done there, then they will be off for shop panel drawings. After that we should be getting our bundle of plans and such to submit to the county. Once it is in county review, it will take at least four to five weeks before we have our building permit.
Not much is happening on the property either. We need to get permits in order to do more work, (septic system and trenching for power, specifically) and in order to do that we need a final site plan. That’s supposed to be close to being done, but we’ve been hearing that for awhile now. (months, in fact)
We’re going up this weekend to move some things up into storage with a rental truck. I don’t anticipate getting much done on the property, but I’m hoping that I’ll be able to get a better feel for where the garden should go. I think Matt is going to start doing some site prep for the work shed and he’ll probably continue to cut up trees, since there is always more of that to do!
At least things are moving along, albeit slowly. I suppose I should get used to it now because I’m sure this will just be the way it is for a good long while!