Change Log 04.19.09

Change Log for April 19, 2009

(And no, I didn’t forget Saturday’s entry – we *gasp* didn’t work on the house at all and instead went to Picnic Day at UC Davis.  It felt somewhat irresponsible, but we definitely had a good time)


  • Moved scrap wood with the kids away from the house to the burn area.  I’ve probably moved enough at this point to allow for the propane trenching, but since it all needs to be moved eventually and the kids were fussy and wanted to be near me it seemed like a good project.


  • Drilled holes in two newel posts and got them set
  • Anchored the base of the railing to the floor, got the screws set
  • Drilled holes in the balusters for the pegs
  • Moved the drill press from his Dad’s workshop and got that set up